Fall 2024 F Books

Taught by Sarah Coates, University Archivist, the Honors UnCommon Read: Untold Stories from the Archives: History of the University of Florida class has a final project wherein students create their own “F” Book. This “F” Book is a “book” that explores one aspect of UF history to an incoming freshman. Students were allowed to choose any topic related to UF history, and were encouraged to explore the following questions in their projects: What would you have wanted to know about this topic if you were an incoming freshman? Why is it important for someone to know about this topic? How does it help someone learn more about UF history? Students were permitted to present their “F” Book in any format they chose–an essay, presentation, podcast, storymap, comic, video, etc.

Some of the students from these classes have given permission for their “F” Book to be displayed. You can find a summary of the projects for each semester below; the full projects are posted on the linked pages. Permission forms are on file in University Archives; if you are the creator of this work and wish to have your work removed from the site, please email archives@uflib.ufl.edu.

History of UF Baseball Timeline

By Jacob Kaplan

A summary of the highlights of the UF Baseball program from its beginnings to the present day.

History of UF Baseball and History of UF Baseball Works Cited


History of Gatorade

By Ashlin Cannella

A summary of the history of Gatorade’s invention at UF, with information on its invention, inventor, and its impact.

History of Gatorade


Early Gainesville and UF History

By Robert “Bobby” Ryan

A narrative podcast that describes the feeling of Gainesville and UF in the early 1900s when the campus moved from Lake City to Gainesville.


GNV and UF History Works Cited